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Monday, December 22, 2008

Fun Pictures

After we had our family pictures taken, we decided to take some of our own.

I have such cute boys!Hunter took this picture for us.

Ist Annual Turkey Trot

This Thanksgiving my family started a new tradition. We had our first annual Turkey Trot. It's a 5K run, up Provo canyon. The morning was cold a crisp, but not too cold for a run. We started out with the kid race. The four year old's (Hunter, Halle, and Brighton.) Took of at an excited pace. They are at the age, where you run just for the fun of running. They followed their older cousin Luke around the course. They each got a medal at the end of the race.

Jeff and I ran together. My mom stayed back with Houston and Hunter. After we ran a brisk 3.1 miles, we returned back, and had some warm hot chocolate.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


The day was finally here! Twilight the movie was going to be released! I was so excited. This is something that I have been waiting for, before a movie was going to be made. So of course, my friends and I, had to go to a midnight showing. Bekah was the hero of the day, and got us all tickets to the new theater, by University Mall. We had quite the group with us. My friends, plus most of Siomara's siblings, and my parents. (Who knew my dad would want to go to a chick flick?)

I arrived at the theater at nine. (We needed to get good seats!) Siomara was already their with her brother and sisters. I settled in for a long wait. It was kind of cold, so I was happy that I opted for a heavier jacket. Bekah and Erin made it with plenty of time to spare.

We were seated around 10:30. I was extremely glad, because it was getting colder by the second.
Kayla made it in, just a short while before the movie started. Finally it was movie time. Now I have heard that either people absolutely love the movie, or they absolutely hate it. I happen to fall in to the group, that absolutely loved the movie. It was a very different experience watching the movie with most of the audience being female. You could feel the energy and excitement. The first time Edward was shown on the screen, there was a very audible gasp. When Edward and Bella finally kissed, the audience went crazy. I think that without our husbands present, there was no need to tapper down our responses. No need to say, "Yes, he is attractive, but not as cute as you!" Instead you could say, "Man, I want to wash my clothes on his stomach!"
As soon as the movie was over, I was ready to watch it again.
After the movie, I told Jeff that if he ever wanted to know how to treat a woman, just watch Twilight, and act like Edward.

Monday, November 17, 2008

I Voted

This is a little late, but I felt that it was important. On November 4th both of my boys were very sick. They had caught some nasty virus, and were very unhappy campers. Not only was I home alone with two sick boys, but I was also feeling like a truck ran over me, and it was raining.
I did not want to get out of bed, but I did. I had two boys that needed me to take care of them. It would have been very easy to stay in my pajamas, but I didn't. I was going to vote today! It took almost everything I had to get myself ready, and then get my boys ready. I somehow managed it.
I had to carry both of my boys, one at a time, to the car. The rain was pouring down, and I was soaking, as soon as I stepped out of the house. I made the short drive to where I was registered to vote. I somehow convinced Hunter, that his legs were not painted on, and that he actually could walk. We rushed to the doors, I was just praying that the lines were not long. I didn't know how long my kids could last.
We walked in, and to my amazement, there were NO lines! I was able to walk right up, and make my voice be heard. I had been following this election for almost a year. I had read the literature that the state sent out, that outlined what we were going to be voting on.
I knew that this was going to be a historic election. I wanted to take part of it. I also wanted my children to see, that this was something very important. My boys got to see their mom take the time to vote. They also got stickers, to show that they had some small participation in this election.
After Obama won, I talked to Hunter about it. I showed him who Obama was, and told him that he was going to be our new president. I want him to remember. This is going to be one of those moments in time, when you remember where you were when the first African-American man was elected president of the United States of America. The first time, that proves that the American dream can be real. If there is something that you really want, and you are willing to work hard for it, you will be able to accomplish it.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Hunter and the Beanstock

In September, Hunter's pre-school, went to the Young's Living Farm. It was so fun to see all the different animals. Hunter especially loved the horse and cart ride. After that, the kids all got to plant their very own beans. This is something that I think every kids has done at one point in their lives.
Hunter proudly planted his little bean, and named him Jumping Bean. We took him home, and placed him in the kitchen window. Hunter made sure that his little bean got enough water and sun. He also resisted the urge, to dig and find his little bean in the soil. It wasn't long before a beautiful green leaf sprouted out of the dirt. I wasn't sure if that leaf was from the bean seed. It seemed that there was no way for it to grow that fast. Jeff and I thought, that maybe another seed or plant had been in the soil, and was growing with Hunter's bean.
Well this little plant just grew and grew and grew. Soon, I had to re-plant it into a bigger pot. Hunter proudly watched over his Jumping Bean everyday.
This morning, I was getting breakfast for Hunter, when I noticed something on Hunter's plant. Tinny little bean pods. I could not believe my eyes! I immediately grabbed Jeff's hand, and dragged him into the kitchen. "Is that really Hunter's bean plant!" He was more surprised then I was. I quickly got the camera, so I could document Hunter's amazing bean plant.
When I did this in school, I don't think any of the bean plants ever looked like this!

Hunter has a green thumb! There is no doubt about it. When I showed him his new little bean pods, Hunter said, "Now I can plant those, and they can grow in to a tiny bean stock." He then started thinking about it, and asked: "Whose going to climb my little bean stock?" I told him, that probably an ant would. He started laughing at that idea, and then added:"Yeah, a little ant will climb up, and then he will meet a creepy giant!" I laughed and told him that maybe, he was the creepy giant to the little ant. That just made him laugh even more.

Monday, November 3, 2008


We had a great time on Halloween this year! We went to my parents house for a Halloween party. Jeff was dressed up as Mustard, Hunter was Bumblebee, Houston was a Dronkey, and I think I was a punk Gothic chick. This is Hunter eating dinner at the kid table with his cousins Halle and Brighton. They were so cute in their costumes.

Houston on his first Halloween.
Jeff came home with a Mustard and Ketchup costumes. When he got home, I was already in my punk costume. To compromise, I wore the ketchup costume for some of the time. We do make a stunning couple.

Hunter had a really fun time bobbing for apples.
Houston was crawling around everywhere.

We did take the boys trick or treating around my parents house. It was really fun. The people around there really get into Halloween. There was even one house that did the Thriller dance every fifteen minutes for who ever wanted to watch. It was really fun to watch.
In the end, we had lots and lots of candy. Jeff and I are very responsible parents, so of course we went through all the candy. We made sure to take out all the candy that was not in wrappers, and threw away anything suspicious. Of course we had to laugh when we found this piece of candy.

We threw it away.
Halloween was a fun time to spend with family and friends. I always enjoy getting dressed up in costumes, and having fun. But, I am so extremely glad that Halloween is over.

Debbie's Halloween Party

These are some pictures from Debbie's Halloween Party.
This is a picture of Jeff and I, when we decided to switch our costumes. He really has nice legs! Brooke always has such good costumes. I love the hair. Houston is enjoying being a Dronkey (Dragon Donkey) from Shrek 3.
This is a beautiful family picture.

Hunter made the best Bumblebee Transformer. In fact Hunter and I tied for the favorite overall costume.

Witches Night Out

It was time again for Witches Night Out. I go every year with my family and friends. We start out the night by having dinner at Brick Oven. We always cause a stir in the restaurant by all of us wearing our witches costumes. This is a picture of Bekah, Erin, Siomara, Jenna, and in the front Sienna. After dinner we head up to Gardner Village. We usually have to park up the road, and walk down a hill to get in. I of course had five inch heels on, and I managed not to fall even once. As soon as we get in, the party begins.
It really is every girls dream. There are cute stores every where. Plus most of them are having great sales. So you can go shopping to your hearts desires. If you don't want to shop, then you can dance. They have a DJ playing music, and a big crowd of people dancing. It gives you a chance to brush up on all your moves from high school.
After an entire night of dancing shopping and drinking pink hot chocolate, it is time to go home. My feet were extremly grateful!

When I got home, this is the sight that greeted me. My three boys, all asleep on the floor. They had a: Boys Movie Night.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Halloween Video

This is the Halloween video that I was able to finally finish. I originally started this video as a fun project for my mother-in-law. Every year she has a big Halloween party. This party is my very favorite of the year. Most people who come put a great amount of time and effort into their costumes. It's always fun to see what kind of costumes people come up with.

Well after working on this video for quite a while, I was on schedule to have the DVD burned and ready for viewing at the party. Unfortunately my computer did not agree with me. After much hair pulling and cussing, I was forced to go to the party without the video.

After that, I was a woman on a mission. I brought all my material to my in-laws house on Sunday night. They have a much newer and faster computer that I do. I re-created the entire DVD, plus added a few pictures from the recent party. I was finally able to burn the movie to DVD, and it worked in the DVD player! So here it is for everyone to enjoy!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The Pumpkin Patch

Every month Hunter's preschool goes on a field trip. In October they went to the Pumpkin Patch in Vineyard. I drive past in on Geneva Rd all the time, and never knew what a cool place this was. They had everything! From a corn maze, to scare crow, a small spoke alley, play ground, and petting zoo. I was able to go with Hunter and his preschool, along with Debbie and Houston. We had a great time! I was trying to take Hunter's picture, and told him the say "cheese." After I said that, all the kids around, lined up and smiled for the picture! It was so cute. I just started laughing.

This is Hunter with a goat.

Hunter was so excited that we got threw the corn maze. We even found the hidden witch in the middle of the maze.

Hunter as a ghost. Debbie is holding him up so he could reach.

Halloween Cookies

Yes! I actually decided to make sugar cookies the hard way! (By scratch) This is not something that I do very often, because it can be time consuming and really messy. I thought it would be a good activity that Hunter and I could do together.
I really must have been crazy, because I did use black frosting. My fingers ended up purple, when everything was said and done. These are the cookies that Hunter made all by himself. He frosted them, and of course added the sprinkles.
I had to help Hunter with his special black and orange cookie.

Hunter really likes frosting! Especially the black frosting. So we decided to have a little fun with it.

I still had a smile at the end of making cookies. It was fun for Hunter and I to spend some time together. It was especially fun for Jeff to eat all the cookies!!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Houston's Poem

Last Christmas while I was pregnant with my second son, I received a gift. This gift was entrusted to me, until I was able to give it to my unborn child. It was carefully wrapped in brilliant gold wrapping paper. The wrapping job might have been a bit clumsy, but it had been wrapped with love.

I carefully unwrapped the small rectangle gift. Inside there was a small picture frame. But the frame was insignificant compared to what it held inside. As my eyes fell to the surface of the frame, they teared up as I saw what was inside. It was a simple poem. Jeff had written it, for his unborn son. It reads:

I Cannot Wait

Tick Tock! Tick Tock! The time is near.
In a few days you’ll soon be here.
Excitement builds with extreme joy.
Soon I’ll meet my new baby boy.
I cannot wait until we meet.
I cannot wait to tickle your feet
I cannot wait to hold you tight
I cannot wait to stay up all night
I cannot wait to hear you laugh
I cannot wait to teach you math
I cannot wait to dry your tears
I cannot wait to confront your fears
I cannot wait to see your looks
I cannot wait to read you books
I cannot wait to play with my boys
I cannot wait to fix your toys
I cannot wait for you to meet your brother
I cannot wait for you to hug your mother
I cannot wait to be your caddie
I cannot wait to be your DADDY!

Of all the gifts that I received and gave that year, this is the one that stands tall among all others. Because although this gift was not for me, it was still precious and valuable to me. It showed me what a wonderful man my husband was. I had picked someone who would love me with all his heart, but he would be a man who embraced fatherhood. This child had already captured his heart, and he was not even born yet.

Now my son is eight months old. He smiles and laughs. He wiggles and crawls. He is growing and flourishing with the love from his Mama, Brother, and most of all his Daddy!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Happy Houston

Today Houston is 8 months old!!

Here is an update on everything Houston.
*This baby is all over the place. He is ready to run around with his brother. Right now, he is desperately trying to crawl. He doesn't quite have the mechanics down yet, but he is able to move around.
*He is already getting into mischief. So we have to make sure that the floor is baby proof.
*He also holds his own bottle. He has no problem switching from Binky to bottle, when he feels the need.
*He still has his happy demeanor. He smiles all the time. I think he has more friends in church then I do. He will stand on my lap, and just grin at the people behind me.
*He is also trying out different sounds. He will practice the gu, da, bu, and ba sounds over and over again.
*When he is upset he cries like most babies, but then he will start to growl instead of crying.
*He has a total of two teeth.
*Some days, he refuses to lay or sit down. All he wants to do is stand.
*He loves any kind of ball.
*He loves to watch signing time.
*He has one hair at the top of his head that is four inches long. I can't make myself cut it.
*He loves the jumping swing.
*He loves to ride in the running stroller.
*He becomes very upset if he wakes up in a strange place.
*He has to hold a spoon in each hand while he eats.
*He loves anything to do with clapping.
*He is totally a Mama's boy. (Sorry Jeff)
*He will always be my Valentine. (He was born 2/14/08)
He is such a happy, sweet, and peaceful baby. We are so grateful that he is a part of our family!!

Movie Night

On Saturday night, we had Movie Night. Jeff and I decided that a couple of days a month, we would do Movie Night with our family.
We first had to make sure that we were comfortable. So we brought down lots of blankets and pillows.

Then we had to make sure that we had lots of treats. We had mini bags of popcorn, so that everyone could have their very own. Hunter loved this. We also made chocolate chip cookies, and then added ice cream to them, to make yummy ice cream sandwiches.
Next we had to make sure that the lighting was just right. Everybody had their very own glow bracelet. Each a different color. Hunter had green, Jeff orange, Houston Blue, and mine was pink. We also plugged in a pumpkin for effect.
Houston wasn't too interested in the movie, but he did like moving around in the semi darkness to look at things. Of course the pumpkin was the first thing he went after.
After that, he moved to the side of the entertainment center. He was playing there for quite a while. I couldn't figure out what was grabbing his attention for so long. So I went over there and looked. Low and behold, he was playing with his shadow. He loved it!

The night ended like most movie nights. I was awake with Hunter. Jeff and Houston were fast asleep. I guess it was past their bedtimes.

It was a great night. Something that Hunter talked about for a while. It really didn't take that much effort to plan, but I'm so glad that we did. It really helped to bring our family closer, and made some good memories.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Top Lessons I Learned from Being a Mom.

1) Always have super glue on hand. They just don't make toys like they used to.

2) Don't let your son know that you really CAN transform his Transformers.

3)Clean your house at the end of the day. That way it will feel like your house stays clean longer.

4)Always have frozen chicken nuggets in the freezer. They are great if your child needs to eat in the car.

5)Make a weekly schedule for yourself. This way you feel like you actually DID get something accomplished.

6)Always take the time to paint your toe nails.

7)There is no such thing as a kid being too old for a nap.

8)When making cookies with your kids, use the frozen cookies. You don't make a mess, and you don't end up yelling at your kids. You can still eat the cookie dough. You also still make the good memories.

9)Children's medicine bottles are really NOT child proof.

10)Always keep extra diapers and wipes in the car.

11)If your husband dresses your son for church, always check to make sure his socks match.

12)If your husband packs the diaper bag, peek in it, to make sure everything that you really NEED is in it.

13)Don't get mad if your child gets into the flour, and makes a mess all over the kitchen floor. Let him play in it, and take lots of pictures.

14)Make sure you go out alone with your husband at least two or three times a month. You need to be reminded why you decided to marry each other in the first place.

15)Put your spouse first. Your kids will thank you.

16)Don't ever expect to be on time.

17)Some days it is a BIG accomplishment that you were able to get a shower.

18)Take time every day to hug your children, and tell them that you love them.

19)It's okay to let your child scream and cry in his room, while you have your own time out in yours.

20)Talk to your kids like they are smart, because they are.

21)Your kids will do as you do, not as you say.

22)Always take your kids out for a treat, after they get shots.

23)Make sure you tell your kids what good things they do, and not just the bad things they do.

24)Keep sanitizer in the side pocket of your diaper bag.

25)Keep sanitizer in your bathrooms. That way you know that your kids hands are clean.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Soccer Days are Over

I was officially a Soccer Mom this year. Hunter played soccer for the first time. He was really lucky because he got to be on the same team as his cousins Halle and Brighton. Bekah and Jordan were the coaches.
It was great to see all the little 4 and 5 year old play soccer. They were always so happy just to be out there and play. During the games, no score was kept, and there were no official goalies.
Hunter got to be really good at throwing the ball in.
Today was Hunter's last game. He was sad to see it end, but really, really, really, excited to get a medal.
Hunter and Halle are in front of the goal, trying to defend it from the other team.
Hunter and Jeff having such a good time together at the game.
Hunter finally got his soccer medal. He was happy, and wore it for the rest of the day.
This is Hunter's team. He made a lot of new friends, and was so sad to see the season end.