Today Houston is 8 months old!!

Here is an update on everything Houston.
*This baby is all over the place. He is ready to run around with his brother. Right now, he is desperately trying to crawl. He doesn't quite have the mechanics down yet, but he is able to move around.
*He is already getting into mischief. So we have to make sure that the floor is baby proof.
*He also holds his own bottle. He has no problem switching from Binky to bottle, when he feels the need.
*He still has his happy demeanor. He smiles all the time. I think he has more friends in church then I do. He will stand on my lap, and just grin at the people behind me.
*He is also trying out different sounds. He will practice the gu, da, bu, and ba sounds over and over again.
*When he is upset he cries like most babies, but then he will start to growl instead of crying.
*He has a total of two teeth.
*He has a total of two teeth.
*Some days, he refuses to lay or sit down. All he wants to do is stand.
*He loves any kind of ball.
*He loves to watch signing time.
*He has one hair at the top of his head that is four inches long. I can't make myself cut it.
*He loves the jumping swing.
*He loves to ride in the running stroller.
*He becomes very upset if he wakes up in a strange place.
*He has to hold a spoon in each hand while he eats.
*He loves anything to do with clapping.
*He is totally a Mama's boy. (Sorry Jeff)
*He will always be my Valentine. (He was born 2/14/08)
He is such a happy, sweet, and peaceful baby. We are so grateful that he is a part of our family!!
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