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Friday, July 24, 2009

Harley Rachel Wilson

At five in the morning on July 20, Jeff and I got a phone call. It was the hospital asking if we could be there within the hour. We jumped out of bed, and told them that we would be there. I was finally going to have my baby!
We got there a little before six, and after all the paper work, they got us set up in our room. At about eight, they had everything set up to induce labor. I asked for my epidural right away. I have felt labor contractions, and had no desire to experience those once again.
After getting my epidural, it was just a waiting game. Lucky for us, it wasn't boring. Once they broke my water we called the mom's. Debbie came with Hunter and Houston. My mom came, and of course Kayla and Mash were there.
After that it was more waiting. The nurse would come in periodically to check my progress. It seemed that I was at a four for a very long time. Debbie took the boys to get some lunch. Then all of a sudden I was at a five and a half. Things were starting to happen. The nurse came back twenty minutes later, and told me that I was ready to have my baby. All we had to do now was wait for the doctor to come deliver her.
Jeff immediately called Debbie, and told her to hurry and come back. They beat the doctor.
Doctor Brogerg came in at 2:00. By 2:05 Harley Rachel Wilson was born. She weighed 6lbs and 10 oz. She was 19 1/2 inches long. The doctor told me that she was a very very healthy baby. The first thing that Jeff said to me was, "She looks like you!"
It was a really good thing that Harley was healthy, because unfortunately I wasn't doing so good. With Houston I had problems with bleeding too much. With him they were able to stop it fairly quickly, with Harley it was much harder.
I was able to hold Harley first thing. It just got harder and harder to hold her. I finally asked Jeff to take her. I couldn't hold her anymore. They worked on me for an hour, and I started to get really sleepy. I could hear the nurse reporting my vitals, and my blood pressure and pulse were rapidly dropping. They were getting an operating room ready, with blood on stand by. Somehow before it got any worse, they were able to stop the bleeding. I feel so lucky that I had a very good doctor and nurses staff who took really good care of me.
After that, I drastically improved. I was able to have visitors come in and see our new baby girl! Hunter was immediately smitten by his new sister. Houston likes her, but doesn't really want to touch her. We are so happy and glad that this little girl to come to our family!

This is me waiting and waiting for the big moment!
Debbie made the boys shirts that said, "I love my Harley" on the front. On the back they said, "Big Brother." All the nurses loved them. Especially tiny Houston who was now a big brother.
This is the first picture of Harley.
Me holding my baby girl for the first time!
Grandma Debbie and Harley.
Me and my girl!
Hunter the proud big brother, and little baby Harley.
Houston and Harley
Our first family picture with Harley.
Jeff is already wrapped around Harley's little finger.

She is dressed and ready to go home from the hospital.
Grandma Danae and Harley.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Lots of Stuff

This has been an especially crazy time in mine and Jeff's life. As most of you know, Jeff and I were building a house in Spanish Fork. Well, it finally got finished! We were so excited. We actually closed on the house on June 18. After much work and stress, we finally officially moved in on June 23.
On June 26 was Jeff's 30th birthday. So to celebrate, he took the day off. We had a good weekend, and even bought a new dining room table. On Monday morning, Jeff was feeling unwell, so he decided to take a sick day. He sent a text message to his boss, but got no reply. After a few hours his boss did call, just to tell him that on Friday everyone was let go, including Jeff. (Good thing he didn't go to work on Friday, or he would have had a really bad birthday)
When Jeff told me that he no longer had a job, I thought that he must be joking. You see, the last time that I was eight months pregnant, Jeff got laid off. So I thought this was a very bad joke. But it was no joke.
Well not to let things get us down, we immediately started looking for new jobs. We didn't have the Internet set up at our new house yet, so we would go up to Keith and Debbie's house to use their computer. That Wednesday, we were on our way when the car's engine started heating up. We pulled over, and the engine-coolant was boiling, We were able to get our car over to Johnson Tire. Turns out that our car is most likely toast. But lucky for us, we have another car that still works. Plus with Jeff not working right now, we really don't need more then one car.
Now I'm not complaining about everything that has happened. I still feel extremely blessed, and know that things will work out the way that they should.
I just wanted to say thank you to all our friends and family who have helped us out in this difficult time. I just hope that one day I will be able to return the favor.