Yes! I actually decided to make sugar cookies the hard way! (By scratch) This is not something that I do very often, because it can be time consuming and really messy. I thought it would be a good activity that Hunter and I could do together.
I really must have been crazy, because I did use black frosting. My fingers ended up purple, when everything was said and done.

These are the cookies that Hunter made all by himself. He frosted them, and of course added the sprinkles.

I had to help Hunter with his special black and orange cookie.

Hunter really likes frosting! Especially the black frosting. So we decided to have a little fun with it.

I still had a smile at the end of making cookies. It was fun for Hunter and I to spend some time together. It was especially fun for Jeff to eat all the cookies!!
What fun my girls loved msking sugar cookies too, but I didn't do it from scratch I cheated! Well we found out where we move in June it is Arizona we didn't get UT. Your hair is super cute I love it short. Although, it was cute long too, but chnage is fun with hair! hope all is well.