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Saturday, May 30, 2009

House Update

Last week, they finally started framing our house. This is a picture after only a couple of days. Yesterday, we wanted to see how much they got done in a week. Here is a picture of how it's coming along.
We will keep you updated on our house, as it continues to go up.

Friday, May 22, 2009

The Zoo

Hunter's pre school and a field trip to the Zoo. Jeff and I thought that it would be fun if he took work off, and made it a family event. I was glad that he did. We had so much fun, and it wouldn't have been the same without him.

This was Houston's second time at the Zoo. He was old enough this time, to really enjoy seeing the animals. Whenever he saw a big animal (elephant, giraffe, or crocodile) he would start growling at them. The bigger the animal, the louder the growl.

Hunter really enjoyed the Zoo too. This time his favorite animal was the Rattle Snakes. He also really liked the Crocodiles.

At the end of the day, we went on the Zoo train. As exciting as it sounds, it really isn't all it's cracked up to be. Although they did have a short tunnel that Hunter thought was awesome!
This was a dangerous picture to take. I had to put myself at great risk to get it. In the process, I ended up all wet. Hunter thought that it was the funniest thing in the world.

It's a tradition in our family to get your picture taken, while drinking out of the lion's mouth. Jeff does it expertly.
Hunter loves loves loves, to pull faces for pictures.

This picture was taken literally two minutes after we strapped him in the car.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Hunter and T-Ball

This year, Hunter has started playing T-Ball. Jeff has been looking forward to this day, since the day Hunter was born. He is playing in Mapelton City. Baseball is a big deal there. In fact, they have a parade to kick off the season. Hunter's team got to ride the Fire Engine, at the beginning of the parade. You can imagine, it is a dream come true for a five year old. The proud grandparents, brother, and father, waiting for Hunter to come by in the parade.
Hunter on top of the Fire Engine.

After the parade, Hunter then had his first game. It was the best game I have ever seen! They have to have several adults out on the field, to help the kids run to the right bases.