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Thursday, October 30, 2008

Halloween Video

This is the Halloween video that I was able to finally finish. I originally started this video as a fun project for my mother-in-law. Every year she has a big Halloween party. This party is my very favorite of the year. Most people who come put a great amount of time and effort into their costumes. It's always fun to see what kind of costumes people come up with.

Well after working on this video for quite a while, I was on schedule to have the DVD burned and ready for viewing at the party. Unfortunately my computer did not agree with me. After much hair pulling and cussing, I was forced to go to the party without the video.

After that, I was a woman on a mission. I brought all my material to my in-laws house on Sunday night. They have a much newer and faster computer that I do. I re-created the entire DVD, plus added a few pictures from the recent party. I was finally able to burn the movie to DVD, and it worked in the DVD player! So here it is for everyone to enjoy!


  1. I loved it! You are so nice to put this together. You did a great job!

  2. That is neat what you did with all those pictures and to have it work on a DVD. Such talent.
