This is a little late, but I felt that it was important. On November 4th both of my boys were very sick. They had caught some nasty virus, and were very unhappy campers. Not only was I home alone with two sick boys, but I was also feeling like a truck ran over me, and it was raining.
I did not want to get out of bed, but I did. I had two boys that needed me to take care of them. It would have been very easy to stay in my pajamas, but I didn't. I was going to vote today! It took almost everything I had to get myself ready, and then get my boys ready. I somehow managed it.
I had to carry both of my boys, one at a time, to the car. The rain was pouring down, and I was soaking, as soon as I stepped out of the house. I made the short drive to where I was registered to vote. I somehow convinced Hunter, that his legs were not painted on, and that he actually could walk. We rushed to the doors, I was just praying that the lines were not long. I didn't know how long my kids could last.
We walked in, and to my amazement, there were NO lines! I was able to walk right up, and make my voice be heard. I had been following this election for almost a year. I had read the literature that the state sent out, that outlined what we were going to be voting on.
I knew that this was going to be a historic election. I wanted to take part of it. I also wanted my children to see, that this was something very important. My boys got to see their mom take the time to vote. They also got stickers, to show that they had some small participation in this election.
After Obama won, I talked to Hunter about it. I showed him who Obama was, and told him that he was going to be our new president. I want him to remember. This is going to be one of those moments in time, when you remember where you were when the first African-American man was elected president of the United States of America. The first time, that proves that the American dream can be real. If there is something that you really want, and you are willing to work hard for it, you will be able to accomplish it.

After Obama won, I talked to Hunter about it. I showed him who Obama was, and told him that he was going to be our new president. I want him to remember. This is going to be one of those moments in time, when you remember where you were when the first African-American man was elected president of the United States of America. The first time, that proves that the American dream can be real. If there is something that you really want, and you are willing to work hard for it, you will be able to accomplish it.
I was so glad to hear from you! I think I saw you last week at Walmart and I've been wondering what's been going on with you the last few years. I am so happy to see that your life is going great. Your boys are beautiful!