My Blog List

Monday, June 14, 2010

First Birdie!!!!!!

Jeff and I try to go out at least once a week.  Earlier this month we decided to go golfing.  We had lots of fun, and enjoyed being outside.  This date was especially great, because I got my very first BIRDIE!!  Yup, my very first legit birdie.  (No mulligans, or help from Jeff)  I was so happy, and Jeff was so proud that I'm sure he shed a tear or two.

Return to OZ

Here is me and the kids during movie night.  We finally found Return to OZ.  That was the scariest movie for me while growing up.  The family really enjoyed it!!  Yeah memories!

Sleepy Houston!

Houston has the amazing talent of falling asleep almost anywhere!  Here is yet another example of that talent in action!!

New Bunk Beds

The boys recently got new bunk beds (thanks Jenn).  They were so EXCITED!!  They couldn't wait to go to bed!  Houston gets the bottom bed, which is a full sized bed.  He looks so tiny in comparison. 
Hunter was super happy about having the top bunk!  He has the tallest bed in the house.
The boys and their new beds!!

Harley and the Mud

Harley is moving around, and eating everything in sight.  She recently found some clumps of dirt on the floor, and decided to give it a try.
I guess she likes it!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Fun at The Park

My sisters and I decided to take our kids to Neilsons Grove Park in Provo.
We started out with a picnic, and then moved on to the more important things, like playing.  This is Harley and Houston together in a swing.  It is Harley's first time in a swing.
The six's kept themselves busy.  They did have enough time to pose for the picture.
(Brighton, Hunter, and Halle)
Kayla and Mash also had fun on the swings!
Here is Bekah and Boston.  They are so cute!!
Boston decided that the swings looked fun, so he decided to have a turn with Harley.
Harley really loved swinging with Boston!
Kayla was a huge help to me!  I was hobbling around on an injured leg, so she chased Houston for me!  What a nice sister.
What beautiful kids!  Brighton, Hunter, and Halle.  Somehow Hunter always ends up in the middle.
Here is the funny face picture!