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Friday, December 31, 2010

Family Christmas Parties

 Jeff and I are blessed with having an extremely big extended family.  We really get to enjoy that blessing, especially at the holidays.  We got to attend three different Christmas parties this year, and had a great time at each of them.  The first one we went to was the Wilson family Christmas party.  This is one that we especially look forward to all year.  One, because Santa almost always makes a special appearance, (even with his crazy work schedule) Two, the Wilson's know how to do a White Elephant Gift game right.  The gifts are at least 20$.  There is lots of stealing, yelling, and laughing, during the game.  I ended up with a hot chocolate/s'more set, with a suggly blanket and some card games.  Jeff ended up with five pocket knifes. (For sure he will have his knife handy come Christmas morning.  Right?) 
 It's always great to see everyone.  My kids love playing with all the long lost cousins or second cousins.
It was a great party, and we had so much fun!

Courtney, Julie, Trevor, and Grandma Friel
The second party was the Friel family Christmas party.  This year my Mom totally rocked and held the party at her house!  I know how much work that is (I had the party at my house last year) But, she and my sisters did a great job of putting together this party.  This years party we had some out of towners make an appearance.  My brother Adam made it home, and my cousin Trever blew in to town also.
 Jenna, Little Miss Harley, and Kayla
 Adam, Danae, Renee, and Grandpa Myer
 Harley loves people!  Even when she was a tiny baby, she would try to participate in the conversation.  She was in her element at the party.  She loved playing with Courtney and Julie.
 Harley was helping Boston out, by giving him so goldfish to eat.  He was quite the gentleman, and thanked her graciously.
 Dad and the crazy-dancing-singing Santa hat.
 Harley and Jeff
Jenna with Grandma and Grandpa Friel
Kayla, Jenna, Adam, Tasmin, and Bekah
 This is the first time in a couple of years that all five Friel siblings were together.
We are a good looking bunch!
The Friel family picture.  It's crazy that our family of seven, turned into this massive group!
 The last Christmas party we attended was the Binks family party.  Santa once again made an appearance.

 Some of the kids were not thrilled at the idea of sitting on Santa's lap.  Lucky Scott had no problems stepping in, and helping out.
 I love this picture of Harley, she looks like she is really thinking about what she wants for Christmas.
 Every family had to perform a music number in front of everyone.  The Johnson/ Oakey family started the night of right!
 Hunter was the only one in our family big enough to sing, so he sang Rudolph all by himself!  He did an awesome job!
 Houston decided that it was his turn next.  I'm not sure what song he sang, but it was really cute. 
 Harley then had to go perform too.  She did a little dance for everyone.
 The Wilson boys sang a funny Christmas song, and had a hard time keeping a straight face!
 After the performance, we played a White Elephant gift game.  Jeff was stoked when he thought he won a hot wheels and some poppers.
 Unfortunatly Hunter stole his dad's prize at the very end.  Hunter couldn't stop giggling.
Jeff's Grandpa Binks can work wonders with wood.  He has made us lots of things through the years, from a wooden rocking horse, to my cedar chest (Which I just LOVE).  This year, he made his grand-kids beautiful wooden bowls.  They are simply amazing!  Siomara looks just how I felt when they brought the bowls out!

I do love the holidays, just so I can take the time to slow down, and spend that extra time with my loved ones.  Life is short and crazy, and you really never know what's coming, so it really is a gift, when you can spend an evening with loved ones.  Life holds still for just a small moment, and if your looking, you can see what true happiness really is.

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