After a year in the making, an ending is in sight. As many of you know, Jeff and I have had quite the surprising year. It all started out last December, where I had a feeling that my IUD was not in the right place. So just to make sure I muscled my way in to the doctors office to get in checked. (They wanted to make me wait until the middle of January)
They did the usual ultrasound to look for the IUD, and instead found a baby. That was our first surprise. The second was that the IUD was nowhere to be found.
My doctor told me that either I had lost the IUD and didn't notice, (how would you not notice??) or that it perforated my uterus. The odds were very slim that it perforated, and that I had just probably lost it. Unfortunately they couldn't be sure, until after I had the baby. (They couldn't do an x-ray while I was pregnant)
After a really tumultuous pregnancy I finally delivered my baby girl. While I was still recovering in the hospital, they took me downstairs and gave me an x-ray. Low and behold there was the missing IUD. It had gone high and to the left. The doctor told me that they had to wait at least six weeks postpartum, for it to be safe to remove.
Well this Tuesday is the day. I will finally get my IUD out. I won't even have that many new scars. They are going to try to use the same incisions that they used for my appendectomy. I just feel so lucky that things have gone as well as they have. My beautiful baby girl was healthy as can be, and so far I have had no other complications from the IUD perforation.
I am looking forward to being back to my normal self. It will be nice for this roller coaster ride to finally have an ending!
I pray all goes well and you recover quickly.