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Thursday, March 5, 2009

Our Big Surprise

Towards the end of November I started feeling sick. Lots of things were going around, and I did my very best to take care of myself. After a week I was still feeling very ill. I was tired, nauseated, and just not feeling well. I wasn't too concerned, because Hunter and Halle seemed to have the same thing that I had. Well Hunter got better, but I did not. I called Bekah, to see if Halle was better (praying that she was still sick like me) but she was feeling better.
At this point I thought it would be a good idea to go to my OBGYN. I knew mentally that there could be no possible way that I was pregnant (less then 1%). But, something was just not quite right.
I called the office to get an appointment to check my IUD. They wanted me to wait over a month until to new year to go in, but I expressed to them the urgency of the situation, and they got me in two days later.
Normally when I have a doctor appointment like this one, Jeff usually doesn't come with me, but for some reason, he decided that he needed to be there. We waited for a short while, and then went in to get an ultrasound.
The girl got to work, and immediately started to look for the IUD. She looked for a few seconds, then was silent for a moment, and said. "You are six and a half weeks pregnant!"
My mouth dropped open. I knew that there was a possibility, but I couldn't believe it! I looked at Jeff, and he looked at me, and we both started smiling. This was a miracle baby.
After the doctors office, Jeff and I were walking quietly back to the car. All of a sudden, Jeff raises his fist in the air, and yells, "YEAH." He really thought he was hot stuff.
Ever since then, this pregnancy has been scary and difficult. When I was about thirteen weeks, I had to go to the emergency room. I was bleeding so bad, that in my head I knew that I had to be having a miscarriage. After waiting three hours, we finally got an ultrasound to check on the baby. I have never heard a sweeter sound, then the sound of that baby's heartbeat.
They found that I had a massive blood clot, and put me on modified bed rest. They are worried about pre-term labor, and a bunch of other things. I have to go in every six weeks for an ultrasound, to make sure that the baby is growing right, and nothing else is going wrong.
Well today I went in for another ultrasound. This one, I was extremely excited for. We were going to find out what we were having. This must truly be a miracle baby, because according to two ultrasound doctors, Jeff and I are having our first baby girl!
We are all so excited! Hunter was jumping up and down with joy. He is extra excited, because he picked the name out for a girl.
So this has definitely been an up and down roller coaster. I am in constant fear, that something could go wrong with the baby. So I have to keep telling myself, this is our miracle baby. She has already beaten the odds so many times, and I think that she is going to continue to do so.


  1. A girl!!!! How fun is that!! Congratulations and take care of yourself. I hope your move went well. We look forward to your little miracle getting here safe and sound.

  2. Jenna I am so EXCITED for you guys!! A little girl...I bet Halle is super excited too. I hope that all continues to go well & you don't have anymore scares. How is moving going? Also tell Hunter Happy Belated Birthday!!!

  3. Congratulations! I am so excited that you guys are having another baby. Just thinking it's number 3 is a little crazy. I'm sure all will work out fine and soon you'll have a healthy little baby girl to bring home.

  4. That really is so exciting! When Jeff first told me about this my heart just jumped! Babies are the sweetest things (I guess I can say that because I've never had to do the HARD stuff) but I'm sure I also don't understand that deep love of a mother either! Someday :) Congrats!! When are you due by the way??
