Christmas morning is my absolute favorite part of Christmas. This year Jeff and I woke the boys up. Hunter was a little confused when we first woke him up, but as soon as we mentioned that Santa had been to our house, he jumped out of bed, and was ready for the day.
Houston was just as happy as ever. This was his first Christmas, so he really didn't know what to expect. Jeff still looking sleepy, but doing a good job with the camera.
Hunter first wanted to open the present he had been eyeing under the tree, for the past two weeks. It was really big, and it was for all three boys. He told me that he really wanted it to be a super big transformer.
I don't think he was disappointed when he found out it was a fire sled. I think that picture says it all.
Hunter first wanted to open the present he had been eyeing under the tree, for the past two weeks. It was really big, and it was for all three boys. He told me that he really wanted it to be a super big transformer.
I don't think he was disappointed when he found out it was a fire sled. I think that picture says it all.
We have some very happy boys. Houston really likes his new hat. I think Jeff likes it even more.
Hunter with his favorite hat.
This is what Santa brought Houston. He loves it! He walks all over the house now. It won't be long until he won't need the lion anymore.
Christmas was a lot of fun! I love seeing all my friends and family. It makes you appreciate what's important in life.
With that all said, I am sooo freaking glad that Christmas comes only once a year.
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