Every year I go to Witches Night Out at Gardner Village with my friends and family. We always have a blast, and this year was no different. It was a night filled with shopping and dancing. There was also a parade to show off our costumes.

I was a Candy Corn Witch. Unfortunately, I wasn't the only one. At the beginning of the night, we found a little dog, that had my same outfit on. (I did get my picture with the little darling, but I don't have it yet.)
While we were dancing, I saw another person with the same costume as me. I pointed them out to my cousin Stephanie, and she said, "You look way better in it then she does." We danced for a little longer, and was close enough to the witch, to hear her speak. When she spoke, Stephanie and I looked at each other, and both said, "She's a MAN!" So after that, I had to get my picture taken with the drag queen.

Debbie was a Disco Witch. Her costume was a huge hit. She even got interviewed by a television station.

Thank you to all the girls who came! I had such a blast, and can't wait to do it again next year!!