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Sunday, December 20, 2009

Wilson Family Christmas Party

We had so much fun at the Wilson family Christmas party! This is Harley and I.
Here is a picture of all the babies, with their mothers. It's been a very busy year.
(Brooke and Hayden. Siomara and Deagan. Jenna and Harley)
Jeff was very happy to get a remote control car for his white elephant gift.
Grandpa Brad and Harley.
Houston, Jeff, Harley, Brad, and Luca.
The kids before the Christmas party.
Debbie bought all the onsies and hats for the babies. She really wanted them to have their picture taken all together in their outfits. As you can see, we have some extremly cute kids.
(Deagan, Harley, and Hayden.)
Harley looking at the fire.
Hunter with Santa.
Houston with Santa.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like fun! You look amazing! I love the cute onsies and hats! Hope to see you Xmas eve!
