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Sunday, August 22, 2010

I was so excited when two of my best friends came for a visit at the same time.  Tasha and Erin both ended up in Utah at the same time.  Here is Hunter with his best friend Aidan climbing in a tree.
We got everyone together for a playdate.  
Bekah holding Boston, Erin holding Madd, Tasha holding Haddie, Jenna holding Harley, and that is Kayla holding Mash.
We had to have the playdate at the park.  When we first started hanging out, we all had only one or two kids each.  Now we have this large group of kids.
In back:  Harley, Halle, Sienna, Madd, Hunter, Aidan, Brighton, Houston
In front:  Brooklyn, Makena, Boston, Mash
After the park we then walked over to SOS drugstore to get ice cream cones.  All the kids sat at the tables to eat their ice cream, except for Houston who really wanted to sit at the bar.
It was so fun seeing all of our old friends.  I can't wait till they can come again and play!!  Miss you guys!!


  1. Looks like fun! I love the that you got the old man in the SOS picture! It shows you what a typical visit to SOS has in store for you! Love SOS! :)

  2. this was so much FUN!! Thanks for all the fun things you girls put together for us while we were there! We miss you guys os much! I love the golf pictures so cute! Game night was so much fun! I wish I would have got some pictures!
