Houston Howard Wilson was born two years ago on Valentine's Day. He is the best Valentine I have ever gotten.
Some things about Houston:
I can now understand about 50% of what he says
He is a quick learner.
He can do some sign language
He has slept in a big boy bed before he was a year and a half
He loves to color! (especially the walls)
He is addicted to his binky
He is a climber! He climbs on everything. (couches, counters, chairs, stools, etc)
He runs around and copies his brother.
He is a problem solver. If he wants to get out of his high chair, he finds a way.
He loves his jerseys. If you take them off, he brings them to you to put them back on.
He is a snuggler!
He is a tough boy. He hardly ever cries when he gets hurt
He has a cute little gap in between his front teeth
He is a fast runner. He likes to run away from us. (we call him the gingerbread man)
He loves music. He sings and dances, sometimes, I even know what song he is singing.
He adores his little sister! He will find her binky, and go give it to her.
He gets on the floor and does tummy time with his sister.
He loves chocolate! Any chance he get's he will try to get the chocolate.Houston loves sports! He will shoot hoops, or kick around a soccer ball for hours.
He loves to jump on the trampoline.
He is learning how to ride a scooter
He loves to wrestle with his dad and brother.
He loves to read books.
He loves to wear hats. He will wear a snow hat all day.
Houston is a very loud kid. I never had to use the baby monitor with him.
We love our little Houston so much! We are so grateful to have him in our family. Happy Birthday Houston!! I can't wait to see what the next year brings.