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Sunday, December 20, 2009

Wilson Family Christmas Party

We had so much fun at the Wilson family Christmas party! This is Harley and I.
Here is a picture of all the babies, with their mothers. It's been a very busy year.
(Brooke and Hayden. Siomara and Deagan. Jenna and Harley)
Jeff was very happy to get a remote control car for his white elephant gift.
Grandpa Brad and Harley.
Houston, Jeff, Harley, Brad, and Luca.
The kids before the Christmas party.
Debbie bought all the onsies and hats for the babies. She really wanted them to have their picture taken all together in their outfits. As you can see, we have some extremly cute kids.
(Deagan, Harley, and Hayden.)
Harley looking at the fire.
Hunter with Santa.
Houston with Santa.

Christmas Time Fun

Christmas time, is a time to do fun stuff with your family! As you can see from all these pictures, we have taken full advantage of the season. This is Houston and his gingerbread house that he made with his dad.
Hunter with his gingerbread house. (Yup there are some bunnies on his house)
Halle, Brighton, and Boston came over and made reindeer candy canes. Here is a picture of them in front of the tree.
The boys and their reindeer's.
Houston helping me make whip cream.
We made Christmas chains, to count down the days of Christmas. Hunter and Houston had a blast!
Houston coloring his picture that goes at the top of his chain.
The family making gingerbread houses.

Jenna's and Harley's gingerbread house.

Houston and the Hot Chocolate

Houston recently found a bag of hot chocolate on the table. As you can see, he really enjoyed it!!

First Lost Tooth!

Hunter lost his first tooth on December 11th, 2009. I can't believe how fast he is growing up! He was so excited to put his tooth under his pillow. The next morning he found an envelope with money and a letter from the Tooth Fairy. He was so happy!

Gordon Christmas Party

We had lots of fun at the Gordon Christmas Party this year! This year every family had to perform a talent. Because Jeff and I, and Brooke and Jonas were the only one's from our branch of the family, it was up to us to come up with something. Lucky for us, we brought Hunter. Jonas was able to bribe Hunter to sing Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer in front of everyone. The only thing that Jonas had to do, was buy Hunter a Transformer. Needless to say, the performance was a hit! By Sunday, Hunter had his new Transformer.
This is Grandma Gordon, reading Twas the Night Before Christmas. I think she stole the show!!
Jenna, Harley, Brooke, and Hayden.
Houston had a fun time running around the room, and scaring people with his toy dinosaur.
Houston at the end of the party!

Party Party Party!!


Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Thanksgiving is one of my very favorite holidays. We went up to my Grandpa Myer's house for Thanksgiving dinner. Here is a picture of my beautiful family.
Grandpa playing the piano with the smorgasbord of desserts. We ended up having one pie for every two people.
Houston enjoying some of his Mama's famous chocolate pie.
Hunter and Brighton. Hunter actually posed like that for the picture. (I have two or three of them in the exact same pose)
Little Miss Halle
Kayla and Mash
Houston enjoying his Thanksgiving dinner.
The Grandma's and the babies. I love Boston's little slippers!
Little Harley in her holiday dress.
Everyone after a good Thanksgiving dinner.

Turkey Trot

This year we had the second annual Myer Family Turkey Trot! We run a 5K up Provo Canyon.
This year was Houston's first race. He ran in the kids race (with a little help from his mother) Although he took last place, he thought it was so fun! Here is a picture of all the kids getting their medals.
It was really cold up at the canyon, so we really had to bundle up!
Houston and Harley were both ready for the big 5K race. They really got the best seat in the house!
Unfortunate our battery went dead, so I have no pictures from the race. Hunter actually ran/walked the entire race. (Not bad for a five year old). It was really hard for him, and twenty feet from the finish line, he stopped and folded his arms. He had no intention of going any further. We were finally able to get him to move and cross the finish line. After that we all warmed up with hot chocolate!

4 Months Old!

Harley has now hit the four month mark. It seems like yesterday that I was bringing her home from the hospital. She is quickly becoming her own person. Harley is a very happy baby. She has a smile for everyone. Some things that Harley is up to is:

She loves to suck her thumb. She will even try to suck her thumb when she has a Binky in her mouth.
She will occasionally roll over.
Most of the time, she will sleep through the night! (Yeah!)
She loves talking to people.
Harley has noodle legs. She has no interest in standing up.
She loves her brothers! She always has smiles and giggles for them.
Harley hates tummy time.
Harley has found her tongue. She loves to stick her tongue out like a little kitten.

We feel so grateful to have this little angel in our life!